Fun with Acronyms: The time machine is the Space Time Exploration Vehicle Envoy (S.T.E.V.E.).
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While Reggie watches TV for the first time, there's an momentary view of two hockey players, who are clearly wearing Vancouver Canucks jerseys (though you only see the "Vancouver" part, not the logo or team name).In the scene where Reggie switches the president's daughter's remote for the president's, one of the pens on the table is from Chrono Lab 2, foreshadowing the secret time travel base.He totally gets it! See how he's nodding?

Jake: We're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu! That's right - we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu! Faceless Mooks: The guys guarding the time machine, who laugh maniacally as they brandish their flamethrowers.Eye Scream: In the government base, Jake tries to distract a few guards by throwing a lug nut, which rebounds off several surfaces before coming back and getting lodged in Reggie's eye.Dumb Muscle: Jake is much bigger and stronger than Reggie, and seemingly the one with the plan, but considering that Jake talks to his own reflection.She becomes the Chief after Broadbeak's Heroic Sacrifice. The Chief's Daughter: Jenny fits it perfectly.Likewise, Reggie's love for pizza comes into great play when it replaces turkeys on the holiday menu.

The TV remote control that Reggie accidentally brings with him is later used to ward off the dogs when he and Jake blow up the weapons shack.When Jake says what they’re gonna do, he snaps his face towards the audience but it’s revealed that he’s actually talking to a reflective wheel cover. Jake: The enemy is approaching! You must follow me blindly! Blind Obedience: Jake attempts to invoke it, but it doesn't work.He seeks to hunt the turkeys for the first Thanksgiving, and is the biggest obstacle that Reggie and Jake must defeat if they are to get turkeys off the Thanksgiving dinner table. Big Bad: Myles Standish is the greatest threat to the turkeys of the past.They had a bountiful harvest that they were thankful to God for-that's why it's called Thanksgiving.

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