Her first words of encouragement fall flat however. He is still feeling sorry for himself being in a wheelchair, but encouragement from friend Ashley may help. Jimmy is not one who will be moving on from Degrassi just yet as his time away from school, despite his hard work, has left him a few credits short from graduating with his class. Both Ashley and Craig return to Degrassi from London and Vancouver respectively to visit with old friends and perhaps return to school the following year. It's approaching graduation, a time for moving on for some. Spinner and Paige turn to each other, realizing that old feelings for each other come to the surface. Alex ends up having Jay's shoulders to cry on, nothing more than that as she states emphatically to him that she really is a lesbian and Paige was her first true-to-herself relationship. Needing some comfort, each turns to old support. As a result of their problems, both Paige/Alex and Spinner/Darcy break up. He thus feels that he will never fit into Darcy's mold of what she wants him to be. Despite this act, Darcy once again questions his motives when he admits that Manny was not his only past sexual partner. From this, Spinner declares his want to purify himself and become a virgin once again.

Darcy finds out the truth from Manny, which results in an all out cat-fight. Spinner tells little white lies to Darcy specifically regarding his past relationship with Manny and their, or supposed lack of sexual history. Spinner and Darcy are living in the moment, enjoying their relationship. Paige expects Alex to follow her to Kingston, whereas Alex doesn't want to follow someone as she needs to find her own life. Alex and Paige are facing their future post-Degrassi, Paige on a calculated, planned path to university at Banting, and Alex on a more spontaneous "in the moment" path. What's old becomes new again for Alex, Paige and Spinner. This confrontation brings Spinner's true allegiances into a clearer light. After Miss Hatzilakos reconfirms her support for the seminar, Linus and Spinner decide to hold a protest at the seminar, at which a confrontation complete with derogatory remarks and fisticuffs ensues specifically between Linus and Marco. This reconnection is put to the test as Linus, the most extreme of the Friendship Club members, asks Spinner to intercede with Marco in his plans to hold a safer sex seminar as Linus believes that such a seminar promotes sexual activity rather than abstinence which is the only form of safe sex Linus supports. However Marco and Spinner tentatively reconnect. At a school fair where Spinner sits as the target in the Friendship Club's dunk tank, a still angry Jimmy continually dunks Spinner, and would continue to do so if given the chance. Meanwhile Spinner remains in limbo between his old friends and his new Friendship Club support network. The festivities come to a complete halt when one of the strippers physically resembles Snake after the party, she admits to herself and to Caitlin that she still loves Snake. They also plan a female only anniversary party, complete with stripper waiters. After Snake leaves, Spike opens the package to find a sapphire necklace - her birthstone - and although she looks touched by the gift, throws it into the garbage. Just after Caitlin arrives, Snake returns home, just to give Spike an anniversary gift he had purchased months earlier. They call in Caitlin from Los Angeles for some female bonding. Emma and Peter's evening reaches an almost romantic climax, this climax however interrupted as they witness an even more clandestine liaison than theirs, that between Emma's stepfather, Snake, and Peter's mother, Principal Hatzilakos.Įmma, with help from Manny, tries to cheer up Spike on her separation from Snake, especially as it is Spike and Snake's third wedding anniversary. On a more secretive level, Peter and Emma are each other's unofficial date for the evening, as Emma still needs to respect best friend Manny's distrust of Peter. From the heat they create at the premiere and the after premiere party, which they manage to crash, they move their evening to more serious matters as Paige witnesses the turbulence of Alex's home life first hand, to a quieter and more emotional ending to the night. Upstaging the spectacle of the premiere are Alex and Paige, who are each other's dates for the evening. The premiere gets everyone at Degrassi into a frenzy and vying for the hard to come by premiere tickets. And return to Degrassi and Toronto for the premiere of their Degrassi-filmed movie, "Jay and Silent Bob Go Canadian, Eh!".